Monday 28 December 2009

Pregnancy - does anybody care anymore?

Today is a Bank Holiday and many people were shopping in the sales in Leicester. I was happily sorting out stuff at home. My daughter had to work. The buses were difficult as only reduced services were running but at least that meant she wasn't expected to work late. She caught a bus from town but knew she had to walk over a mile from the bus stop to home. She is pregnant and was feeling very tired but looked forward to sitting down on the bus journey home.
How rude are the consumer crazy, purchase-laden, uncaring folk of Wigston? There were seats without bums on but these were taken up by the many shopping bags of bargains the greedy grabbers had managed to fill. Not a single person offered a seat to my daughter who is clearly pregnant. Don't worry, you selfish of Wigston, your purchases did not have to weary your lap or worse, be placed upon the floor, a pregnant woman gave up her seat for your purchases. I do hope you paid for the extra seat you took, Merry Christmas - just like poor Mary, there was no space for a pregnant woman.